
The Secret

The real secret of a happy and fulfilled life, revealed by renowned
Kabbalist Michael Berg, author of the acclaimed and bestselling book, The
Way. Containing a simple truth, simply explained through moving tales, this
book cuts across religions and has a powerful and inspirational message -
for the whole of humanity. Like a jewel that has been painstakingly cut and
polished, The Secret reveals life's essence in its most concise and powerful
form. It is a saying that Berg's teacher, the late Rav Ashlag, learned from
a mysterious stranger who became his own teacher, years ago in Jerusalem:
"The only way to achieve true joy and fulfilment is by becoming a being of sharing." Our destiny is to experience joy, not suffering, if we know how to connect with the Secret. Michael Berg shows us how our everyday understanding of our purpose in the world is literally backwards. Whenever there is pain in our lives - indeed, whenever there is anything less than complete joy and fulfilment - this basic misunderstanding is the reason. The strength and significance of this simple truth unfolds through the sheer inspirational power of the stories and insights from the greatest sages of Kabbala. The Secret is a guidebook for applying the principles of Jewish mysticism to everyday life with a universal truth, whatever your religion.

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